Thursday, May 13, 2010

Camp EDIFY reaches across the miles

When it was discovered that Shelley-Ann has experience teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), they could hardly believe it. Plans changed for a reason! Here she is at the border of Haiti and the Dominican on the Dominican side and still in a position to help the Haitian people. 

Many many Haitians have left Haiti and crossed over to the Dominican to find work and rebuild their lives. Shelley-Ann will be teaching English today and Friday to Haitians who are in desperate need of work and whose chances of getting a job depend on their ability to have some English skills.  I am glad she is making a difference - but wait a minute, look what happens next.

On Saturday, she will be in La Romana where she will put together, get this... a program based on Camp EDIFY for 100+ children.  After she returns from La Romana she will meet with the officials in charge to discuss how to implement EDIFY on a permanent basis. Hello! This is too good to be true. Her dream to share her vision to children and youth worldwide to be whole in heart, whole in mind, whole in body and whole in spirit started in Scarborough, Ontario and is now in the Dominican.  What a great opportunity to help meet many needs. I'm so happy for her. Did I tell you how happy I am for her already?  Well, I am.

Ola! and that's probably the only spanish word you'll get out of me :)  Shelley-Ann tells me that her Spanish and I quote, “which is absolutely nothing is already starting to get better! I think I'll tackle that language next".

I made the comment that since she speaks French, she should be able to manage in Haiti but she had a different story to tell.

"Creole is hard! And not exactly like French at all... I understand some, but other times it is completely different. There are SO many Haitians here!”

She feels a bit nervous about whether or not she can do something on such a grand scale and says,

“Part of me is like, "Ummm....this is waaay beyond my scope of capabilities but I suppose that's probably the point. Please pray for me! YIKES!”

Aghh Shelley-Ann, relax, YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Update: I'm sitting at my desk at work wondering if it is time to go home yet and she just called to say, "listen to this" - well, did she not proceed to sing the Camp EDIFY song that she wrote and play her guitar across the miles in Spanish – WoW! Love it, love it, love it and it sounded so sweet in Spanish too. I can't wait for you to hear it.  She tried emailing it to me but the file was too big - she'll try again.

May 12th - It's getting HOT in here

Shelley-Ann got a real sense of what 'hitting the ground running' means when she arrived in Santo Domingo. Under normal circumstances, it would probably take a week to get fully engaged but time is of the essence and she had to plunge right in. This is my summary of what's been happening after communicating with her over the first 48 hours.

HOT!! It is so hot here” were some of her first words and then the stories began. Listen darlin', I have no problems changing positions with you. I'd rather be in scorching hot weather, yup, including the humidity than cold and it's not exactly warm here.  Really now, come on Summer, what's the holdup?

I have come to the conclusion that the people that Shelley-Ann is staying with are WONDERFUL people. They are making a difference in the lives of many. Their mission is right on the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic in a place called Brisa Oriental, Santo Domingo. In such a strategic location, they are able to work with and assist people from both Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In fact, much of Juan and Iris Hernandez’s effort at this time is focused towards Hatians who cross the border helping them to find work, homes, education, and community. What a journey and how interesting it is that Shelley-Ann's life has been orchestrated in such a way that she is associated with these people!!

Do you want to help?
Juan and Hernandez's say that Shipping to the Dominican Republic has not been an easy task. The best way to send a contribution to them is to ship things to an address that they will provide shortly.  They will organize and ship packages through a local contact to both Haiti and the Dominican.  I have asked for specific details of what the needs are and will post it in another blog as soon as I hear back from Shelley-Ann.

Shelley-Ann shared what she knew of her schedule with me for the rest of the week and she sounds very busy, maybe even busier than she was at home. I hope she's getting enough rest :)

If you want to make God laugh, MAKE PLANS!!!

That’s one of Shelley-Ann’s favorite quotes because in all of her planning, things just didn’t always work out the way she ‘planned’. She planned to be in Haiti for her entire trip but God laughed, he had other plans. I mean other amazing plans where she is able to do things in a way that she might not have been able to had she gone directly to Haiti.

I have to step back and say that during her planning, her Pastor at her home church, Grace Apostolic Church decided to honour her with a fabulous celebration dinner!! Every penny raised at the event went directly to her. What fun!! We met new people, saw old friends and had a great time. Shelley-Ann spoke briefly and sang about God’s grace and how it has no measure and his love has no limit – the banquet hall was electrified and the call for an encore was loud and clear.

Thank You Grace for helping Shelley-Ann. She also had corporate support from several companies as well as friends and family who supported her financially and took the time to share in the celebration.

Special thanks to Naz Sukhram of Uniglobe Key who donated Shelley-Ann’s return airfare. Uniglobe key specializes in corporate travel but if you're booking a cruise or a vacation, I'm sure he would be able to provide a good quote - (416) 665-9063.

When asked why he decided to help Shelley-Ann, he commented that “I am happy when kids are making progress and I always make these contributions to encourage youths to aim high and achieve Excellency.”   Thanks Naz!

Read the upcoming blogs to find out how plans changed, what type of medical preparations she had to make and when she will be crossing the border to continue her mission to Haiti.