Saturday, May 15, 2010

What Preparation!

Before visiting Haiti, it was important that Shelley-Ann receive vaccinations and medications for vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases that she might be at risk for. 

She had to visit a clinic 4 weeks before the trip to allow time for the vaccines to take effect.  Medications recommended were:  Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Cholera, Rabavert, influenza, Tetanus, and Malaria pills (she has to take these up to 1 or 2 weeks after she returns).

Because Shelley-Ann is going back to the bobsleigh circuit, she had the added responsibility of ensuring that she would only be taking vaccines/meds mixed with acceptable ingredients so that she would continue to pass her random drug tests. 

She visited a clinic that specializes in Travel Medicine, squeezed her eyes tightly, flung out her arm, received her needles and pills and she was ready to go.  She will be visiting Port-au-Prince and Jacmel in Haiti. 
Did anyone see that article in the Globe and Mail about the struggle that Haiti is having to keep schools open?  There's also a blog from Jessica Leader from the Globe and Mail that I found interesting.  She gives an interesting account of her assignment in Haiti.